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English: Page one of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filing by Charles Darrow for a patent on the board game Monopoly, filed and granted in February 6 1935. Original image available online at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, converted to PNG by John D. Buell. Please note that Parker Brothers/Hasbro still hold trademarks on specific design elements of the game, including but not limited to the general game board design, the locomotive silhouettes, the question mark design for "Chance" spaces, the car on "Free Parking", the "Jake the Jailbird" design, and the police officer on "Go to Jail."
Datum 28. Oktober 2006 (Original-Hochladedatum)
Quelle Übertragen aus en.wikipedia nach Commons.
Urheber Der ursprünglich hochladende Benutzer war JohnDBuell in der Wikipedia auf Englisch
Andere Versionen File:Monopoly board game patent (US2026082).pdf


Public domain The text and illustrations of US patents published before March 1, 1989 are in the public domain unless the patent text contains a specific notice that portions are copyrighted. See 37 CFR 1.71(d), 37 CFR 1.84(s)

The original patent contains no such notice, so its contents are in the public domain. Note: This only applies to images published before March 1, 1989. Patents published after that date are most likely copyrighted, unless in the public domain for another reason, such as {{PD-ineligible}}.

U.S. Patent 2,026,082

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Die ursprüngliche Dateibeschreibungsseite war hier. Alle folgenden Benutzernamen beziehen sich auf en.wikipedia.
  • 2006-10-28 18:11 JohnDBuell 672×1088× (24735 bytes) Page one of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office filing by [[Charles Darrow]] for a patent on the board game ''[[Monopoly (game)|Monopoly]]'', filed and granted in 1935. Original image available online at {{US patent|2026082}} by the U.S. Patent and Trade


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