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Datei:Mithras tauroctony Louvre Ma3441b.jpg

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English: CIMRM 641: Side A (obverse) of a two-sided Mithraic relief. Found at Fiano Romano, near Rome "couché dans un petit réduit de briques" in 1926. White marble (H. 62cm, W. 67 cm, D. 16 cm) on a travertine base (H. 10cm, W. 76cm, D. 50cm). 2nd-3rd century.
This (obverse) face of the monument depicts a tauroctony scene. Mithras slaying the bull in a cave, above which in the upper corners Sol (top left) and Luna (top right) emerge. Luna has a crescent behind her shoulders. Around Sol's head is a crown of twelve rays, plus another that darts out in the direction of Mithras. Also in the upper left is a raven. The dog, serpent, scorpion are set at their standard positions. The tail of the bull ends in ears of wheat. The reverse face of this monument is a banquet scene. See Image:Mithras banquet Louvre Ma3441.jpg
Français : CIMRM 641: Mithras égorgeant le taureau sacré, face A d'un bas-relief romain en marbre, IIe–IIIe siècles ap. J.-C.
Italiano: CIMRM 641: Bassorilievo del II-III secolo raffigurante una tauroctonia, Mitra che sacrifica il toro sacro. Sono presenti nella raffigurazione il serpente, lo scorpione, il cane e la cornacchia, caratteristici dell'iconografia mitraica
Location: Louvre, Department of Greek, Etruscan and Roman Antiquities, Denon wing, ground floor (Ma 3441)
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Andere Versionen Same as Image:Mithras_tauroctony_Louvre_Ma3441.jpg, but I've cropped it and adjusted the contrast.


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aktuell23:02, 25. Feb. 2006Vorschaubild der Version vom 23:02, 25. Feb. 20061.754 × 1.618 (617 KB)wikimediacommons>QuartierLatin1968== Description == '''Description:''' Mithra killing a sacred bull (tauroctony), side A of a two-faced Roman marble relief, ca. 2nd or 3rd century AD. Same as Image:Mithras_tauroctony_Louvre_Ma3441.jpg, but I've cropped it and adjusted the contrast.<b

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