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Datei:NIST WTC 7 collapse model with debris impact damage.ogv

Aus AnthroWiki

NIST_WTC_7_collapse_model_with_debris_impact_damage.ogv(Ogg-Theora-Videodatei, Länge: 25 s, 464×338 Pixel, 1,19 Mbps insgesamt, Dateigröße: 3,52 MB)

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English: LS-DYNA model of WTC 7 collapse by NIST. Impact damage from the falling debris of WTC 1 had been taken into account.
Русский: Модель в LS-DYNA разрушения WTC 7, созданная NIST. В этой модели учтены повреждения, нанесённые WTC 7 обломками от падающего WTC 1.
Quelle Page, Video1 (Collapse Initiation -- Physics Based Model), Video2 (WTC 7 Collapse with Debris Impact Damage – Physics Based Model). Two clips were concatenated into one video file.
Urheber National Institute of Standards and Technology
(Weiternutzung dieser Datei)
Public domain
This image is in the public domain in the United States because it is a work of the United States Federal Government, specifically an employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, under the terms of Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 105 of the US Code.

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aktuell04:56, 1. Mär. 201025 s, 464 × 338 (3,52 MB)wikimediacommons>Trycatch{{Information |Description={{en|1=LS-DYNA model of WTC 7 collapse by NIST. Impact damage from the falling debris of WTC 1 had been taken into account.}} {{ru|1=Модель в LS-DYNA разрушения WTC 7, созданная NIST. В этой мод

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