New View

Aus AnthroWiki

New View ist eine englische vierteljährliche Zeitschrift, die zu Ostern, Johanni, Michaeli und Weihnachten erscheint. Die dazugehörige Firma New View Publications Limited befindet sich in Edinburgh, Schottland und die Zeitschrift wird wie folgt auf ihrer Internetseite beschrieben: "The four seasons and their related festivals provide a context for contemporary events, issues and insights shared through its pages. New View offers a fresh look at the world and ourselves. Four times a year, New View brings together a unique collection of articles on many aspects of modern life, informed and inspired by the work and world view of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1924) which he called anthroposophy.. Focusing on issues of the day its pages contain features, articles, interviews, book and film reviews. Regular items include: World events, Community, Health, Education, Self-development, Arts, Science, Environment, Biodynamic-Agriculture, Book and Film Reviews and much more. New View contains contributions that look to the deeper background and rhythms inherent in world and personal events. Its authors recognise the spiritual content woven into the material world and seek to build a bridge whereby the reader can experience the creative harmony between art, science and the religious life."[1]